**** Details for Shooter Symposium 2024****
Due to some restructuring with our event scheduling process and overall feedback, we have decided to skip Shooter Symposium 2023 and reset it back to the springtime, as it was when we first started this event. Therefore, the next Symposium will be on April 4-7, 2024.
Event Itinerary
First Day
The event will start on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 8 am. Check-in will be located at the parking area. The first day will consist of competitions, zero confirmations, a vendor show, and a meet and greet with a catered dinner and an open bar. There will be a mandatory safety briefing at 11 AM, where we will discuss the medical plan, range rules, safety rules, and event information. This is REQUIRED. Once the briefing is over, lunch will be served and the competitions will begin and the zeroing ranges will open.
There will be multiple competitions on the various ranges and you can try your hand at the competitions as many times as you would like. There will be an RSO located at the ranges who will run the competitions and record the scores. There will be an award ceremony at 8 pm, where the top shooters will be awarded prizes ranging from rifles, pistols, and everything in between.
Dinner will be served at 530 pm. There will be a complimentary bar with both beer and liquor, which will open from 5 pm until 12 am. Be advised, the moment you begin to consume alcohol, your time on the ranges and handling firearms is done. If you are caught violating this rule, you will be asked to leave and will be removed from the event. No exceptions. This will be strictly enforced.
The event will end at 12 am.
Second Day through 4th day
You will select your classes during registration and receive confirmation. There will also be rosters posted at the lodge during the event. From this day forward, it will be your responsibility to report to your classes at the listed times and locations. Students will receive maps for where their classes are located. The range staff is there to assist you if you need it.
On Friday and Saturday, we will serve Lunch and Dinner. For Sunday, we serve Lunch only. This is part of your registration cost and there are no additional fees at all.
After class, feel free to stick around and socialize, but be responsible and act like an adult. Failure to do so will result in your dismissal from the event.